Promoting Language in Summer Activities

School is out and so is the sun, it’s time to get outside and play! Listed below are three common outside summer activities and ideas of how to promote language skills within them.  

 Swimming Pool  

  • Before heading out the door, grab some pool toys or waterproof household items/toys (cups, containers, etc.) to take along. Use these toys to pretend to have a picnic in the water. Pour water into the cups, stir the water to make cookies, use the water to represent different ingredients in a “recipe.” Talk about the different actions you and your child are doing (pouring, stirring, drinking, eating, etc.) and label the toys and items you are playing with (cup, bowl, spoon, etc.). 


  • Before heading out on a walk, make a quick list of ten things your child can find on your route. Jot these down on a piece of paper to take along with you. As you are walking ask your child to find/spot each item. While looking, talk about what each object looks like, feels like, smells like, etc. Help them find objects by describing where they are (under the tree, in the grass, on the porch, behind the bench, etc.).  

Bike Rides  

  • While riding bikes with your child play “What’s in My Box?” Choose an item and tell your child that you have something in your imaginary box and that you want them to try and guess what it is. Start describing what is in your box, pausing between each clue to give them a chance to guess. Describe the objects color, category, size, shape, function, location, etc. Encourage your child to take a turn and describe something that is in their box.   


Comment to tell us your favorite summer time activities! 

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