Skin to Skin: Benefits beyond the first week


Improved weight gain, strengthened immune system, greater stability of heart rate/ breathing/ temperature regulation; increased milk supply, AND help with brain development.  Want to know what one thing could be so powerful?  Skin to skin care!! There is a large body of evidence that supports all of these benefits and more for your newborn baby. And better yet- these benefits continue months after your little one is born.  Skin to skin (or kangaroo care) care has numerous benefits for mommy (daddy) and baby during the first week of life. Did you know this same skin to skin contact has continued benefits long after the first week of life?


When baby lies directly on your skin (typically on your chest), your (mommy or daddy’s) sensations help to regulate and make a positive change for baby’s temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and overall stability of your little one.  When lying on mom, baby can smell your breast milk (which helps to stimulate hunger) and the smell of your skin is recognized by baby and calms baby.  Baby recognizes mom and dad’s voice which also helps to soothe baby.  Baby achieves long periods of deep, restful sleep on your chest.  Baby learns how to move his or her body while lying on your chest. 


Skin to skin care is also a powerful way to establish a strong foundation of your baby’s overall regulation.  Skin to skin care supports ALL regulation in baby now and in the future including emotionally, cognitively and autonomic regulation within the body (breath, heart rate, immune system, sleep/wake cycles, and temperature, to name a few).


When the nervous system/brain has an overall sensation of safety, wonderful new nerve pathways are developed and strengthened.  Skin to skin care creates feelings of safety for baby and baby’s nervous system.  For all of us, safety= positive development and promotes learning, exploration, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence.  It is the sensation of safety within the body and nervous system that promotes self-regulation and ability to self-calm throughout the life span.


There’s more!  Skin to skin contact also has incredible benefits for mom and dad.  It increases breast milk supply for mom AND it reduces your own feelings of stress or anxiousness.  Having your baby lie on your chest helps to slow and steady your own heartbeat and respiratory rate.  Your body releases oxytocin (the “feel good chemistry of the body”) during this time.  You will feel more relaxed and energized following skin to skin care. 


You will not spoil baby thru skin to skin care. So guess what??  SKIN TO SKIN for as LONG as baby seems to enjoy it and is comforted by it.    These precious moments have health, developmental, immune system, regulation and brain benefits that will last a lifetime!

Suzie Johannes