Promoting Speech and Language: 0-12 Months

It’s never too early to start using strategies to promote your child’s speech and language. A foundation is built for speech and language during 0-12 months, culminating in a baby’s first words emerging around 12 months. Listed below are strategies to use with your baby throughout the first year of their life.  


0-6 Months: 

  • Copy the sounds your baby makes 

  • Look at, act excited, and smile when your baby makes sounds 

  • Use exaggerated facial expressions and baby talk while interacting with your baby  

  • Play social games such as “peek-a-boo"  

  • Read to your baby everyday  

  • Narrate what is happening around you 


6-9 Months: 

  •  Get down on the floor and play with your baby everyday  

  •  Use “reciprocal” play – smile when your baby smiles, copy sounds your baby makes 

  •  Repeat your child’s sounds and say simple words with them (“bah” - say “book” or “bottle”) 

  • Follow their lead and copy their actions with toys  

  • Point and label items within the environment and within books 

  • Read to your baby everyday  


9-12 Months:  

  •  Play social games such as “peek-a-boo,” “patty-cake,” “hide-and-seek,” etc.  

  •  Read to your baby everyday 

  • Talk to your baby about what you’re doing, about what they are doing, and about what’s happening around you 

  • Play games with my turn, your turn  

  • Provide language and meaning to their emotions/behaviors/gestures 

  • Copy your baby’s sounds and words 

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