A parents role in speech impairment



A Parent’s Role in Speech Impairment: 


Many parents wonder what they can do for their child’s speech impairment. When children struggle to correctly produce their speech sounds, parents can utilize auditory bombardment word lists or repetitive books that are loaded with target sounds to help! Auditory bombardment word lists are lists of words that start/end or contain a specific sound that is read by the parent to the child once or twice a day. Reading words that contain the specific sound the child struggles to pronounce, gives the child an opportunity to hear the sound produced correctly over and over again.


You can also replicate this through a repetitive book.  For example, if you are working on /F/, Red Fish Blue Fish is a great book.  Or if your child struggles with /G/, Good Night Moon or Go, Dog. Go! If you are practicing /S/, try Splat the Cat or Bears Snores On.


It’s important to not prompt your child to say these words with or after you as we do not want the child to practice these words with the wrong production.


Find a consistent time every day or twice a day to read a list of 20 words ,or to read one story!, to your child. Do not overemphasize the targeted sound but pronounce the words as you naturally would. Below are links to websites where word lists can be found.


Have you already used books for speech practice at home? If so, what has been your favorite book to use?! We would love to hear about your "go-to" books!






Suzie JohannesComment