16 Gestures by 16 Months
Before first words begin to emerge, children use gestures to communicate with those around them. They may wave when saying, “hello” or “goodbye,” or raise their hands up when wanting to be held. Gestures may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of overall language development but early gesture use has been linked to the correct prediction of a child’s language skills at the age of three. An easy rule of thumb when tracking your child’s gesture use is to remember that children should have 16 gestures by 16 months. Listed below are 16 common early gestures.
Giving objects to others
Shaking head for “no”
Showing objects to others
Open-hand pointing
Tapping to draw attention to an object
Blowing a kiss
Pointing with index finger
“Shh” with finger to lips
Nodding head for ”yes”
Thumbs up
Hand up for ”wait”
High five
Arms up and shrugged shoulders for ”I don't know”
Peace sign
Gestures begin to appear at 9 months of age and the best way to teach your child to use gestures is to MODEL, MODEL, MODEL. You can use gestures while playing and reading with your child, within your every day routines, and while interacting with others. Choose one or two gestures to model for a couple of weeks and enjoy watching your child observe and begin to practice using them on their own!
As always, if you have concerns about your child’s speech and language development, ProActive is here to help your child THRIVE!
First Words Project. (n.d.). Baby and Toddler Milestones: 16 Gestures by 16 Months. Reading Rockets. https://www.readingrockets.org/topics/developmental-milestones/articles/baby-and-toddler-milestones-16-gestures-16-months#:~:text=At%2015%20months%2C%20you%20see,are%20sharing%20ideas%20with%20others.