Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect at my child’s initial therapy visit?

Young boy laughs while therapist holds their toy and smiles

Our mission is to provide your child with the highest quality of care. We achieve this by helping you understand what therapy can and cannot do, and we focus on family priorities and open communication between the therapist and the family.

At the initial visit, we start with a thorough baseline evaluation of your child, which usually takes about one hour. The therapist will examine and observe your child while exploring your child’s medical history, discussing their health issues, and talking with you about the goals of therapy. At the close of the evaluation, our therapist will present their findings and results, and give you a plan for therapy tailored to your child’s needs. The plan will include a proposed schedule and frequency for therapy visits, as well as education and home program ideas. 

We feel the therapy relationship begins at the initial evaluation. We know that you have questions about your child and you are eager to get started. You will be seen for follow-up appointments by the therapist that evaluated your child.

Once we have approval from the insurance company therapy services will be initiated promptly. 

Your participation is needed to make the best recommendations for your child, and we value all information that you can share with us regarding your child's injury or condition. Please bring any appropriate medical and school reports that you think will help us better understand your child.

How often will we see you and how long will my child’s appointment last?

The therapist(s) will make recommendations for how often and how long your child needs skilled therapy services based on the results of your child’s evaluation, review of your goals for your child, and discussion of what works best for your family.

Our family-centered approach to care means we will work with you to develop realistic goals that address your needs and fit into your lifestyle.

Do I need to be present for my child's therapy session?

Yes. It is essential that you take part in each therapy session. Each therapy program is planned to meet the unique needs of your child. A main goal of therapy is to give you education and ideas that you can use at home. This will help your child get the most from therapy.

What will we need to do at home between therapy sessions?

You play a major role in your child’s success, so we will coach you on activities to work on at home. For your child to maximize their success in therapy, it is Important for you to continue working on the activities learned in therapy at home. 

Who can make a referral for  OT, PT, or Speech therapy services?

Parents, schools, doctors, and other professionals that work with your child may make a referral for therapy services. In order to process your claims with insurance or Medicaid, you will need a physician’s referral or prescription to receive an evaluation and therapy. Our office staff will handle all insurance inquiries and will also obtain the necessary doctor’s orders needed for our clients.