Reading to your child is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Not only does it build a child’s language abilities, it helps create a strong bond between parent and child. You may be thinking, “but my baby is only 6 months old” or “my 18 month old could never sit down with me while I read them a book.” If this is you, you are not alone! That’s why we have combined a handful of strategies to help you create meaningful moments while reading with your child.
0-6 Months:
Choose board books, they are sturdy and mostly resistant to small slobbery mouths
Choose books with little to no words, you will provide the narrative which should consist mostly of labeling the pictures you see
Read the book using your best “baby talk,” use lots of expression and excitement
Choose books with high-contrasting colors
Read books for 5-15 minutes daily, repeating books is not a bad thing
6-12 Months:
Continue to choose mostly board books
Choose books with bold colors and simple/concrete illustrations
Point out and label objects as you read
Continue to provide the narrative instead of reading every word on each page
Read books for 5-15 minutes daily
12-24 Months:
Face your child while you read and continue to use excited and exaggerated speech while reading
Ask the child to point to familiar objects on the page
Choose interactive books (touch and feel, lift the flap, poke-a-dot, etc.) and encourage the child to touch and feel the pages
Allow the child to help hold the book and turn the pages
Choose books with simple narratives (beginning, middle, and end)
Again, repetition of books is normal and in no way negative
Comment to tell us your child’s favorite book! Find below a list of our favorites to read to the littles that visit our clinic!
0-6 Months
6-12 Months
12-24 Months
Amazing Baby Feel and Learn
Look Look!by Peter Linenthal
First Words (Bright Baby) by Roger Priddy
Cuddly Animals by DK
Moo, Baa, La LaLa!by Sandra Boynton
That’s not my puppy… by Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells
Where Is Baby’s Belly Button?by Karen Katz
Oh No, Poo Poo!by Jennie Bjorem
Hi-Five Animals! by Ross Burach
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle
Where’s Spot?by Eric Hill
Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
Cars, Trucks, Planes, and Trains by Nancy L. Rindone